Marvel Studios has a genuine hit on its hands. Ryan and I went to see “Iron Man” at the Thursday night preview show
(Cinemagic 15, Hooksett), and it was awesome!
As I gushed to David (LAFilmcutter), I was very impressed with Jon Favreau’s storytelling and directing. Mind you, I think “Elf” is brilliant but I had no idea how this would turn out. He has a wonderful talent for taking the audience right to the edge but not pushing them over. Scenes of violence, action, and romance that could have easily been ham-fisted by many - and you know who you are - directors are taken right to the moment that makes you cringe or say: “Yeah, seen that before,” but then reins it in, leaving your imagination to fill in the blanks, saying wow, and maintaining a brisk pace and a PG-13 rating. (Which is important in a film that’s just a little over two hours long!)
And what about Robert Downey, Jr.? That guy is Tony Stark! Again, everything pushed right to the edge without going over. Angst ridden, snarky humor, hard living womanizer, awakening hero within, the whole package is there. He plays the character straight up, no wink and nod to the audience, which pays off big. Thankfully the studio has him contracted for two more “Iron Man” movies.
There is no doubt that this is Marvel’s next big franchise. Right there with Spider-Man, leagues ahead of Fantastic Four and crushing puny wannabe’s like Hulk, Daredevil and Ghost Rider.
This movie delivers for fanboys and non-comic readers alike. Those of you in the know will love the comic references and ties to the regular Marvel U and the Ultimate’s. If you know nothing about those worlds, don’t worry, you are treated to an action filled movie, with sharp dialogue, first rate acting from and Oscar laden cast (literally), and foreshadowing of what’s ahead for the series.
THIS is why we love the big summer movies, why the blockbuster has become the savior of studios and executives everywhere and why little boys and girls grow up to be in the film and television business.
SPOILER ALERT: Psych! If you want some, e-mail me because there are some really great moments in this film and I’d love to get my geek on!
Iron Man the Movie
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